After 20+ years as a Realtor and a licensed Broker in Georgia and Maryland, Delinia prides herself on the knowledge of what it means to efficiently serve families going through the process of selling a property during the problematic process of Probate.  

Her passion for educating families and friends about the Pitfalls of Probate and the Importance of Proper Estate Planning has allowed her to become a Beacon of Light to numerous individuals…proclaiming ‘Don’t Lose Your Estate to Probate.”

After firsthand assisting with the Probate proceedings of her mother-in-law and father-in-law in 2021, She discovered an urgent demand for “compassionate” Realtors to specialize in this unique and intricate field. 

As a Trusted Probate Real Estate Specialist, Delinia offers the finest service to local Attorneys, Grieved Families, Executors, Administrators and Court Appointed Officials. 

Delinia has grown to understand the challenges of what it takes to navigate the probate process while educating herself on the best practices of assisting families during an inexperienced, confusing and sometimes unfair period in their lives. 

It’s been a top priority for her to master the simplicity and ease of preparing and selling an heirloom property while providing a place of solace when mediating a contentious familial quarrel.  

She has confidently rendered countless solutions to complex issues stemming from confidential family consultations to the magnitude of the multiple tasks of settling one’s estate.

With an assembled network of experts, Delinia offers a full range of services and solutions from Accountants, Mortgage Lenders, Title Professionals, Contractors, Personal Property Estate Sales, Home Inspectors, Interior Cleaning Services, Carpet Cleaning, Painters, Roofers, Landscaping, Insurance Agents, Moving & Storage Companies, Personal Property Clean Out & Disposal and numerous more. 

Surrendering to the signs of clarity, Delinia is tapping into her gift of educating Realtors and other real estate professionals on “How to Build Meaningful Businesses Servicing the Probate Niche’.